High quality, individually designed prefabricated modular buildings from small individual portable buildings to large double storey buildings. A fast and flexible stylish solution to your accommodation requirements.

The volumetric modules are constructed off site under factory controlled conditions and can be manufactured to your size requirements. They are available with a wide range of internal finishes and can be clad externally to compliment local surroundings.
Roofs can be flat or pitched.
They are fitted out to individual requirements ready for fast installation and completion on site. They are delivered to site by lorries and offloaded by crane onto prepared foundations, the segments are levelled and bolted to form large single or double story areas that are ready for occupation.
Modular buildings are an ideal form of semi-permanent accommodation and can be used for offices, marketing suites, classrooms, pavilions, club houses, showrooms as well as many other applications.
Our modular buildings are relocatable so can easily be moved as and when required.
The preparation of the site is normally carried out at the same time fabrication is taking place in the factory reducing the overall lead time
Our experienced staff are available for consultation on all matters linked to your proposed modular building. Without charge or obligation, TP Structures Ltd will provide a design proposal and quotation based on your individual requirements.

To obtain a quoatation/price please email full details of your requirements to sales@tpstructures.co.uk
We will need to know the overall dimensions, external cladding and roof details and well as what is required for the internal fit out.
Due to the bespoke nature and complexity we are unable to give ‘guide prices’ over the phone for this type of building.